Sunday, November 30, 2008

Five Weeks Later

A few days ago, I realized that I hadn't meditated since losing Lily. Been a little busy with this surgery recovery thing.

I closed my eyes and thought about meditating about Lily and she rushed into me. This warm, overwhelming, "where have you been Mama?" rush of unconditional love. If I hadn't been lying down, I would have been knocked down by it. It felt just like it would at bedtime, when Lily would come up onto the bed, rise up on her back feet to hug my neck and head butt my face, multiplied by about one thousand. I couldn't stay there long; it was so powerful.

Lily always was like that with me. Throwing herself at me with love. Debbie experienced some of this when Lily stayed at her house for 5 weeks in the spring. Lily would give Deb body slams during the night, wanting her belly rubbed.

Wow, next time I visit her, I'll go in more prepared.